What is osteopathy?
Osteopaths use gentle and safe techniques that aim at restoring function in the human body.
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Every osteopath on the list is a member of the HKOA and is registered with the professional board of the country they were educated in.
HK Osteopath or about to be?Become a member!
For Osteopaths: learn if you qualify and how to apply to become a member.
The HKOA is a professional association for Osteopaths
Created in 2012 , the HKOA's objectives are to create unity amongst the HK Osteopaths and inform the public about the benefits of Osteopathic Medicine. Our goal is to assist our members in meeting the osteopathic needs of individuals and communities.
We do so by:
Working with members to ensure high standards of osteopathic practice
Promoting the benefits of osteopathy
Ensuring continual education and professional development for Osteopaths
Facilitating media relations and information to the general public